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Shipping Policy

What are the charges for Shipping & Handling?


International shipping is available. Just add the items to your cart and select your country from the list to get a shipping price. Shipping and handling rates are based on destination and delivery time.


What shipping methods do you use?


Domestic shipping ( within the USA)

- Standard shipping( USPS First class & priority) - 5 to 10 business days

- Express shipping ( USPS Express) - 2 to 3 business days


International shipping

- USPS standard & Express ( Varies per country)

Return & Exchange Policy

What is your return Policy?


If you are not satisfied with your purchase, Items in new condition( unworn/unwashed) can be returned within 14 days of delivery. Original shipping charges are non- refundable.


Please contact for return info.


Once we process your return, we will issue your refund.


If you have other questions, please use contact us or email us at

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